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Our Mission

Asian Ballet Competition (ABC) is a high quality competition that provides support to the growth of ballet education in Asia. ABC offers a valuable experience for young dancers in all levels to present themselves on stage, and learn from the comments of the jury members. ABC focuses on artistry, and rewards talented dancers with awards and medals. ABC recognizes the dedication of dance educators and presents certificates to the teachers and schools of awarded participants.


亞洲芭蕾舞大賽是一項為亞洲年輕舞者和芭蕾舞教育發展而設的高質素比賽。大會為不同程度的年輕舞者提供在舞台上展現風采、以及聆聽評委員之評語的寶貴經驗。大會尤其重視芭蕾的藝術感, 並頒發奬盃及奬牌予表現優秀的舞者。為表掦舞蹈教師的供獻,大會將會頒發傑出證書予獲奬者的導師和學校。



ABC wishes to care for students in all levels, from amateur to pre-professional training background, and provide a basic platform for students to challenge themselves and learn from each other. ABC commits to positive concept and environment, to inspire students to take ballet seriously, and allow students and parents to increase their knowledge in ballet.



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