Online Application 網上報名
Online Registration Guidance:
- Register on 1st to 30th June 2019
- First-come-first-serve
- Fill in the form in English.
- Fill in candidate information and health history
- Upload headshot photo and ID/Travel Document copy
- Settle payment by Paypal or Credit Card:
One piece of Solo entry fee is HK$1,500; Two pieces of Solo entry fee is HK$2,500
Group Dance fee is HK$2,500 per group
- Receive copy of submitted form email
- Receive email confirmation
- If you want to change information after submission,
please send an email to info@asianballetcompetition.com
- 報名截止日期為6月30日
- 名額先到先得
- 請以英文填寫
- 請填上參賽者資料及健康紀錄
- 上載大頭照及身份證或旅遊證件副本
- 以 Paypal 或信用卡繳交報名費:
- 收取已提交資料的副本電郵
- 收取確認電郵
- 如完成報名後想更改已提交的資料,請發送電郵至

Solo Registration